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Gen-Z & Money

Navigating Finances in a Digital Era

Generation Z, or Gen-Z, 指90年代中后期至2010年代初出生的人口. This generation has witnessed many significant historical events, 从第一款iPhone的发布,到全球经济衰退和危及生命的流行病. In all these culture-shaping moments, Z世代与前几代人最显著的区别是科技和数字媒体的进步. Now, technology has been embedded in schools, workplaces, grocery stores, 和其他机构一起跟上最新的数字趋势.    

甚至我们的信用合作社也为所有年龄段的人提供了丰富的在线金融资源. At Elements, 我们希望确保每个人都能感受到支持,无论他们处于财务旅程的哪个阶段. 这篇文章探讨了Z世代的财务习惯,同时提供了对消费的见解, borrowing, and saving in the digital age.  

How Does Gen-Z Approach Money?    

The Millennials, also known as Generation Y, 见证了互联网时代的兴起,拥抱了新的社交媒体平台和在线服务. In contrast, Gen Z seamlessly integrated these tools into their daily lives, creating new ways to gain wealth. There are numerous ways to make money online; many have even left their traditional corporate jobs to become their own boss. According to Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, 50% of Gen Z aspires to be entrepreneurs, and 21% are interested in working with artificial intelligence. While some young adults are fully committed to online careers, others only take on online gigs to supplement their income. 最近失业和通货膨胀的激增促使更多的成年人寻求多种收入来源.    

Additionally, Z世代对社交媒体的大量使用创造了一种促进不切实际生活方式的环境. 在这些平台上,有大量的内容美化了拥有物质的东西和奢侈的生活, with little to no insight into how it can be affordable. With increased income, Z世代可能会感到压力,要达到网上描绘的社会地位, which can lead to unhealthy financial habits.      

Your financial success is our top priority here at Elements. If you’re a Gen Z or have a Gen Z friend or family member, 考虑一下以下技巧和工具,让你自信地理财!    

Stowing & Growing Your Money    

在你二十几岁的时候,你会有无数的机会去探索、冒险和学习. 虽然优先考虑财务问题可能不是每个“00后”的首要任务, it should not be overlooked. 在享受现在的同时保证未来的财务状况是可能的. 关键在于及早了解储蓄和投资的潜力.    


High Interest Checking Account 

建立一个支票账户是一个让你的财务最大化的好方法. With a High Interest Checking Account, you can accumulate interest each month, giving you extra money just for using your debit card! Read more about Elements High-Interest Checking Account.      

High Yield Savings Account 

高收益储蓄账户是一种ncua保险账户,随着时间的推移,你的钱也会增长. 这些账户给你的钱比许多其他类型的账户更多的股息,更容易在线管理你的资金. Read more about Elements’ High Yield Savings.

Savings Certificates   

定期存单通常比大多数普通储蓄账户提供更高的回报. With these accounts, you choose the term, but you must wait until the term is complete to access the funds. 这可以帮助你为即将到来的购买储蓄,比如新车或房屋的首付款. 如果你想要一个能让你准确预测储蓄余额的账户, this account might be the right choice for you! Read more about Elements’ Certificates.    

Not sure what account you need? Take our easy quiz 以确定哪个Elements帐户将帮助您实现目标.    

Borrowing Money with Credit Cards & Loans    

既然我们已经讨论了支票账户和储蓄账户,让我们转向借贷. There are various ways to borrow money, and each option has different outcomes for you and your finances. 有些人喜欢用借记卡购物的便利, 而其他人则选择信用卡来建立信用并享受现金回馈奖励.   

就像信用卡一样,贷款是人们借钱的另一种方式. 贷款可以帮助支付较大的费用,如大学学费、新车或你的第一套房子. 获得贷款是年轻人财务旅程中重要的一步,这一步伴随着责任而来. 虽然贷款可以帮助提高你的信用评分,但最好只要求你需要的.  

How do I secure a personal loan?

You can get a loan at your local financial institution. Consider these tips to increase your chances of getting approved:     

  • 通过偿还债务和及时付款来保持良好的信用评分.   
  • Consider a co-signer to join you on the loan application.     
  • 与当地的信用合作社建立关系,以获得最优惠的利率和更少的费用.    

 Interested in a loan? Schedule an appointment with our loan experts to find the right choice for you!

Saving Strategies for Gen Z    

当你在手机上轻轻一点就可以使用信用卡和借记卡时,管理你的开支可能会变得很有挑战性. Spending and saving are long-term responsibilities, 有有效的方法来实现你的财务目标是很重要的. 网上充斥着许多预算和储蓄策略,让你走上财务成功的道路. 这里有一些z世代最喜欢的省钱和存钱的方法:      

Bucket Saving  

Saving and budgeting doesn’t have to feel restrictive. 当你围绕你想要的东西设定目标时,你就可以有计划地存钱和花钱. 考虑将储蓄账户作为多个“桶”来实现不同的储蓄目标. 自动转账到这些专用账户可以让你安心,让你的理财之旅更有回报.   

The 50/30/20 Rule 

50/30/20规则是分配收入的一个简单的预算公式:50%用于需求, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings. 你甚至可以在社交媒体上找到个性化的视频,里面有真人把这条规则应用到他们的收入中.   

The Envelope Challenge  

Make saving fun by trying this easy challenge! 收集100个信封,给每个信封编号,然后留出信封的金额. For example, $1 in envelope #1, $2 in envelope #2, and so on. 经过100天,100个装满的信封,你将节省超过5000美元. 一定要定期把你积攒的钱存入你的储蓄账户.     

Whether you’re a Gen-Zer or part of another generation, 我们的信用合作社专家随时为您提供值得信赖的建议和指导. Are you curious about opening a new account? Do you have questions about our loan programs?联系元素金融在你的财务生活的各个方面的支持.  

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