

Protecting Yourself From Being A Victim Of 欺诈

Identity Theft is defined as the fraudulent use of a person’s private identifying information, 通常是为了经济利益. There are three types of identity crimes we should know about:

  • Lost or stolen personal information, when your information has been compromised through a company data breach or by obtaining a person’s checkbook or cell phone.
  • 身份欺诈, when someone uses an account fraudulently and often happens when your ATM, 借记卡, credit card or checks are stolen and used for unauthorized withdrawals or other transactions.
  • 假设你的身份, when someone takes your information and creates a whole new identity in your name. Details like your Social Security number, 出生日期, and other personal information are stolen and used without your permission.




Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the Unites States today. As many as 41 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. 35% of fraud victims are Americans over the age of 60. 更多的 than 30% of identity theft victims are scammed by family and close friends of the family.


Financial losses from identity theft total upwards of $50 billion in the U.S. 每年. One in five victims have experienced identity theft more than once. Identity theft can damage your credit score, finances, and create a major time burden.


更多的 than 99% of all targeted cyberattacks rely on users to activate them. 欺诈sters often must gather multiple pieces of personal information to commit identity theft. 70% of fraud is initiated over the phone.

WHERE should users be most cautious?

使用公共Wi-Fi时, 社交媒体, 你家里的邮箱, 电话, 自动取款机, 加油站, the internet and while engaging in international travel.

WHY do criminals commit identity theft?

Some criminals work for large international crime organizations that fund terrorism for financial gain. And with the advancement of technology, the information fraudsters need is much more readily available.




  • Theft of information from your mailbox, trash, or business. Take your mail to an actual mail drop box or the post office to be safer.
  • Victims are tricked into revealing information by phone or through online viruses and emails.
  • Criminals place skimmers at gas pumps or point of sale terminals.
  • Thieves steal a purse or wallet containing valuable information.

How Do You Know You’ve Become A Victim?

  • Your bills go missing, you receive new bills, or mistakes appear on your accounts.
  • You receive calls from collection agencies about debts that are not yours.
  • If your tax filings are rejected, as someone else has filed in your name.
  • You get calls or mail about accounts in your children’s or elderly parents’ names.
  • You’re unexpectedly denied for a loan.

How Do You Protect Yourself from Identity Theft?

  • 监控你的信用. You have a right to a free credit report from all three credit bureaus once every 12 months at annualcreditreport.com. Within banking apps, like 元素, you can see your FICO score monthly.
  • 冻结信用. A freeze will prevent any new credit accounts from being opened. There are items you’ll need to place a security freeze. 准备好这些信息. You’ll be asked some obscure questions, but they are designed to verify and validate you.
  • Secure Your Social Security Number. Don’t share it with anyone without asking these questions: Why do you need it? 它将如何使用? 你将如何保护它? Also, do not carry your card on you. 一旦它消失了,它就消失了.
  • 注意模仿者. Avoid clicking links in emails without hovering over to see the destination first. Hang up and call a customer service line to verify a caller’s identity. Don’t trust caller ID on your smartphone.
  • 保护你的数字足迹. When downloading apps, be cautious of their legitimacy. Avoid accepting online requests from people you don’t personally know. Search your own name on the internet and track any possible forged 社交媒体 accounts.
  • 创建身份盗窃报告 with the Federal Trade Commission and be sure to file a local police report.


元素是来支持你的. If you have questions or think you’ve been victimized by identity theft, 我们的专家随时为您提供帮助.  立即利记!

Learn more about combating fraud from a previously live broadcast of 元素 Live. 点击这里观看研讨会.

This information is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice. Consult with your tax, legal or financial adviser before taking any action.

We Have Options for 保护你的身份

元素 makes protecting your identity easier by offering a variety of programs that you can enroll in. Find the option that fits your needs.




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